Press release:
Seven leading technology companies establish the Single Pair Ethernet Industrial Partner Network
15. November 2019
HARTING, TE Connectivity, HIROSE, Würth Elektronik, LEONI, Murrelektronik and Softing IT Networks establish an open partner network for companies actively promoting Single Pair Ethernet for the rapidly growing IIoT market.
Rahden, November 14, 2019 --- The SPE cooperation between HARTING, TE Connectivity and HIROSE, presented at the Hannover Messe 2019, will now be significantly expanded through the establishment of the Single Pair Ethernet - Industrial Partner Network. In addition to HARTING, TE Connectivity and HIROSE; Würth Elektronik, LEONI, Murrelektronik and Softing IT Networks now also support Single Pair Ethernet as a future infrastructure solution for the IIoT.
Single Pair Ethernet is the infrastructure basis that makes the IIoT and Industry 4.0 possible. In order to advance the technology for the rapidly growing IIoT market, a total of seven strong brands have joined forces. HARTING, TE Connectivity, HIROSE, Würth Elektronik, LEONI, Murrelektronik and Softing IT Networks are the founding members of the SPE Industrial Partner Network. A strong partnership of industry leaders, who are united in their support of the T1 Industrial interface according to IEC 63171-6 as a uniform Media Depended Interface (MDI) as defined by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25/WG 3 and TIA42 in 2018. For the reliable establishment of the entire future SPE ecosystem, standards for transmission protocols, cabling and device components will also be jointly supported. Therefore, all members of the partner program as well as ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25/WG 3, are in close exchange and intensive cooperation with IEEE 802.3 and IEC SC46C for uniform transmission standards and copper data cables.
For future users, this organization is the first point of contact for all questions and concerns regarding the construction of SPE networks and devices. Users are consistently supplied with news and information via the information channels. The partner network thus provides transparency and clear recommendations for the development of future IIoT applications and is at the same time, a central information and exchange platform for interested parties. If you want to learn more, please visit us at the SPS Nürnberg, 26-28.11., hall 10, HARTING booth 140. Alternatively, we are looking forward to active participation at our information event on 27.11.2019 at SPS Nürnberg, from 16:00 – 16:20 PM in hall 10.1.
Via the partner network:
The SPE Industrial Partner Network is based in Rahden, Westphalia and is an equal association of companies that promote the Single Pair Ethernet technology as a basis for a fast and successful growth of the IIoT. The combined competencies of the individual companies is intended to give users a sense of investment security in this technology. Other interested companies are welcome as new members. Shaping the future together - Talk to us!
SPE Industrial Partner Network
Weher Straße 151
32369 Rahden