
Deepen your SPE knowledge




To get started with Single Pair Ethernet or to build SPE applications and networks, we provide resources for download in this section. Some downloads are provided on partner sites. These are marked with the note "external link".




MagCom Media Converter Platform


MAGCOM's SPE Converter Kit unlocks Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) without the need to replace existing networking infrastructure. This media converter kit facilitates a seamless transition from traditional Ethernet to SPE, offering intuitive installation and effortless technology migration.

MagCom Media Converter Platform



Benefits of a Hybrid Connectivity Solution over PoDL

In the whitepaper we will discuss the capabilities of hybrid connectivity solutions compared to existing powering solutions. For many applications power over data lines (PoDL) might be sufficient. However, hybrid connection solutions have a number of advantages for industrial applications. What you will learn from this whitepaper: - Powering methods with Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) - Comparison of network topologies / power distribution structures - Power transfer with hybrid connectors – discussing M8 interface (standardized in IEC 63171-6) and M12 hybrid interface types (standardized in IEC 63171-7)





Single Pair Ethernet - Use Cases

This informative article introduces possible use cases for Single Pair Ethernet and illustrates the advantages of SPE in case studies with exemplary test setups. Future users will get a better impression of the contribution SPE will make to the success of IIoT.






The Application Note gives a comprehensive overview of all important standards around the topic of SPE. It explains the path to the finished standard and which standards users should definitely remember for SPE integration.

Read the article




HARTING: Single Pair Ethernet - THE InfrastruCturE fOr IIoT

The whitepaper offers an introduction to SPE. It explains basic concepts, why SPE is perfectly suited for IIoT and which new industry standards are becoming important.

Download (external link)




HELUKABEL: Single Pair Ethernet

The whitepaper offers an introduction to SPE and answers frequently asked questions about Single Pair Ethernet.

Download (external link)




BELDEN: Single Pair Ethernet for Industrial Applications

Single- pair Ethernet in combination with Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and power over data lines enables an end-to-end Ethernet network from the sensor to the cloud usable anywhere space is limited and where the weight of cables and components plays a major role.

Download (external link)




LAPP: WHITEPAPER - Single Pair Ethernet

Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) is the long-awaited infrastructure component with which Ethernet overcomes the final hurdle on the way to the IIoT. SPE creates the final step towards the successful connection of IT and OT. This white paper provides an up-to-date overview of technical fundamentals, standardisation and application possibilities.

Read the Whitepaper




Magcom: WHITEPAPER - Transformer insulation advantage of Single-Pair-Ethernet

The number of SPE (Single Pair Ethernet) applications involving external connections for data transmission in automotive under a closed-loop control system is increasing. In this operating environment, there are specific requirements related to high voltage isolation. This paper describes the transformer insulation advantages of SPE.

Read the Whitepaper





Single Pair Ethernet – M12 Hybrid System


Hybrid transmission of SPE and power in just one cable and connector is intrinsically important for future IIoT applications. Devices are shrinking, the space for cables and interfaces is decreasing and at the same time the requirements for network connection and power supply are increasing. The hybrid SPE + Power interface M12 hybrid according to IEC 63171-7 is available in seven codings, each serving a specific power level, depending on the application. This makes the interface a useful extension of the functionalities of the M8 hybrid interface defined in IEC 63171-6.

Single Pair Ethernet – M12 Hybrid System



Single Pair Ethernet – Cable standards and construction

Single Pair Ethernet is the technology that perfectly meets the industry's new network technology requirements in the context of Industry 4.0 and IIoT. Central elements of the standard are the Single Pair Ethernet cables. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has defined and standardized the structure and the high electrical properties in the IEC 61156 series of standards. This application note describes the cable standardization and its design in detail.

Download (PDF, 5 pages | 340 KB)



Single Pair Ethernet - M8 hybrid system

In the hybrid SPE solution, the M8 hybrid connectors and the hybrid cables support a configuration structure consisting of an SPE data pair for data transmission (AWG 22 to AWG 26) combined with a separate power pair (AWG 18) for powering the devices. This application note describes this system in detail with important specifications.

Download (PDF, 10 pages| 617 KB)



Single Pair Ethernet - testing

The application note will shed some light on measurements on SPE cabling and will highlight why also in SPE cabling, cabling measurements are an important tool to ensure compliance to standards and a functional network.

Download (PDF, 19 pages | 1.170 KB)



Single Pair Ethernet - MDI integration

The Application Note shows in a practical way how users succeed in integrating Single Pair Ethernet interfaces and PCB components. Key technical data provide a secure framework for the development of the next generation of industrial devices.

Download (PDF, 25 pages | 1.860 KB)



Single Pair Ethernet - Power Supply

The Application Note shows in a practical way how the simultaneous transmission of data and power via SPE infrastructure succeeds. The focus is on concepts such as Power over Data Line and hybrid connectors/cables.

Download (PDF, 8 Pages | 628 KB)



Single Pair Ethernet - Signaling LED

The application note describes the possibilities of signal LEDs in SPE device sockets of the IEC 63171-6 interface. As known from established Ethernet device sockets, LED provide the user with feedback on the activity and utilisation of the interface.

Download (PDF, 3 Pages | 376 KB)



Single Pair Ethernet - Connectivity

In addition to the technical features of the T1 industrial style interface standardized according to IEC 63171-6, the application note also describes common housings for industrial applications. Contact physics and contact geometry are also explained to the reader.

Download (PDF, 12 Seiten | 1.070 KB)